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Recognized as the traditional martial art of Korea, Tang Soo Do, (pronounced "tong sue doe") is a primary system of empty handed self defense which dates back about 2,000 years. This style of martial art was originally used as a way for the common people to protect themselves from the sword of the Samurai and was the underlying training influence of the Korean military. History represents that in 688-935 AD, Hwa Dan Warriors combined the teachings of monk Won Kwang, originator of the principles of Tang Soo Do, with Soo Bahk Ki to form Soo Bahk Do and adopted, for the first time, a code of chivalry in the practice of the art. During the period of the Yi Dynasty (1392-1910) Korean martial arts continued to develop and Soo Bahk Ki replaced Soo Bahk Do within the military, resulting in the recreational teachings of Soo Bahk Do among the general population.

kids and instructor at a testing event

Throughout its long history of conflict, many Koreans fled to China where they were exposed to alternative styles of self-defense including Tae Kyun. After WWII, the traditional principles of Soo Bahk Do were combined with the Chinese “Tang” principles under Master Hwang Kee, who originally organize the Moo Duk Kwan, which ultimately lead to the establishment and organization of the Korea Soo Bahk Do Association, also known as Tang Soo Do (circa.1945). In 1965, the Korea Tang Soo Do Association was established in an attempt to unite the Korean Martial Arts under one name. However, the Tang Soo Do and Soo Bahk Do practitioners chose to remain as traditionalists rather than join the sport oriented Tae Kwon Do organizers. The traditional aspects of Tang Soo Do remain alive and well today through the efforts of leading associations and passionate individuals. 


Mixed Martial Arts  is a full-contact combat sport that allows both striking and grappling, both standing and on the ground, using techniques from other combat sports and martial arts.

Physical self-defense is the use of physical force to counter an immediate threat of violence. Such force can be either armed or unarmed. In either case, the chances of success depend on a large number of parameters, related to the severity of the threat on one hand, but also on the mental and physical preparedness of the defender. At KAMAS we offer classes in martial arts for self protection, control and discipline. 

2 men practicing self-deffence
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